We provide rapid and no-nonsense assistance

For contact by telephone in your preferred language, choose our headquarter or one of our certified partners. 
Please send inquiries by email using our contact form.

  • China

    Changzhou T&M
    Mechanical and Electrical
    Technology Co., Ltd.

    Tel+86 519 8166 0233
    Fax+86 519 8166 0233


  • France

    Ets Bastuck & Marfaing

    Tel+33 561 69 68 38
    Fax+33 971 70 40 21


  • Germany

    Düsen-Schlick GmbH

    Hutstraße 4
    96253 Untersiemau/Coburg

    Tel+49 9565 9481-0
    Fax+49 9565 28 70

  • Israel

    Berlin Technology (Pumps) Ltd.

    Tel+972 8 6638 100
    Fax+972 8 6638 120    


  • Italy

    La Valvotecnica S.A.S.

    Tel+39 0226 11 64 92
    Fax+39 0226 11 65 56  


  • Turkey

    Exsto Mühendislik

    Tel+90 212 501 72 58 
    Fax+90 212 501 72 59